You, our partner, are absolutely essential to us and we make every effort to ensure you are satisfied. Our long standing loyal partners will have the first say, no matter what.

We take waste very seriously here at the Telluride Gourmet Mushroom farm. Mushrooms take time to be cultivated and the demand for different varieties is always fluctuating, so on occasion we will sell out of certain varieties, especially during the busier times of the year here in Telluride.

Requesting the varieties you require 6 weeks in advance will guarantee you receive exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.

Mushrooms are predominantly composed of water, which means that due to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure, the mushrooms can gain or lose significant amounts of weight between harvest and delivery.

Here at Telluride Gourmet Mushrooms, we weigh and pack the mushrooms right as we harvest them, and we keep them in their box until they are delivered to you, so you always receive exactly what you paid for.